Running the Mod Loader

I apologize for any inconvenience you might be experiencing while trying to run the Mod Loader. These issues stem from the intricacies of Java, which can be VERY temperamental. The most common root cause is a misconfiguration of Java on your system, which the Mod Loader relies on. This can happen due to multiple versions of Java being installed, incorrect setting of environment variables, or Java not being recognized by your system at all.

This guide is structured to address these issues, whether you’re running Windows, Mac or Linux. It starts by assisting you in removing any existing Java installations and then guides you through the process of installing the correct version of Java for your specific operating system. We’ll also cover how to properly set up environment variables on Windows, and provide instructions for MacOS and Linux users. By following this guide, you’ll be equipped to resolve the most common Java-related issues that block the Mod Loader from opening…

(Thanks to pandabweer for this guide!)

This guide will assume that there are no prior installations of Java currently on your PC. Here is a list of how to remove Java completely per given OS. I recommend doing this prior if your current Java setup isn’t working as expected.


Go to the website and download Java. The site will automatically determine OS. Uncertain if your PC or Mac is even supported? Here is a list of supported operating systems. For MacOS and Linux it’s recommended to use the command line instead (See instructions below).

On MacOS there is an M-series version below, recommended for M-series users. For Windows & Linux I recommend the x64 version if you have a 64 bit system.


Before installing Java, it’s important to verify if your system already has a version of Java installed. Having multiple Java versions can lead to conflicts. To check, open Command Prompt (type ‘cmd’ in the Windows search bar) and enter java -version. If Java is installed, you’ll see the version details. Note this information, as it will help in troubleshooting if the mod loader doesn’t open properly.

Setup Java (Skip if done through the installer mentioned above):

Windows + R then type in powershell. Insert the following command: winget install -e --id Oracle.JavaRuntimeEnvironment


Go to the x-change folder and double click the file mod-loader-X.X.X.jar.

Ensure that the mod-loader-x.x.x.jar and X-Change Life.html files are in the same directory as the game to avoid any path-related issues.

If it’s STILL not working! Further Troubleshooting: Setting the Java ‘Path’ Environment Variable in Windows

Sometimes, after installing Java, your mod loader may still not recognize the new Java installation. This issue often arises because the system’s ‘Path’ environment variable hasn’t been updated to include the location of the Java executable files. Here’s how to set the Java ‘Path’ environment variable in Windows, a crucial step for ensuring that the mod loader can locate and use Java:

  1. Locate Java Installation Directory:
    • First, find where Java is installed on your system. The default installation directory is often something like C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-XX.X.X (where XX.X.X is the version number).
  2. Open System Properties:
    • Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog.
    • Type sysdm.cpl and press Enter. This opens the System Properties window.
  3. Access Environment Variables:
    • In the System Properties window, go to the ‘Advanced’ tab.
    • Click on the ‘Environment Variables…’ button near the bottom of the tab.
  4. Edit ‘Path’ Variable:
    • In the Environment Variables window, under ‘System variables’, scroll and find the variable named ‘Path’. Select it and click ‘Edit…’.
  5. Add Java Path:
    • In the Edit Environment Variable window, click ‘New’ and paste the path to the Java installation directory’s bin folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-XX.X.X\bin).
    • Click ‘OK’ to close each window, saving your changes.
  6. Verify the Configuration:
    • To confirm that Java is correctly set up, open a new Command Prompt window.
    • Type java -version and press Enter. This should display the version of Java you just installed.

By following these steps, you ensure that the Windows operating system knows where to find the Java executable files. This setup is crucial for the proper functioning of the mod loader, as it relies on these Java files to run. If the mod loader still doesn’t open, double-check the path you added for any typos and ensure you’re using the correct version of Java required by the mod loader.

MacOS (Version 10.7.3 or newer)

While you can use the installer, I recommend this way since errors are more easily resolved and the installer in my opinion, isn’t that stable.

Setup Java (Skip if done trough the installer mentioned above):

To use Brew, open the Terminal and use the following command:

brew install java && \
sudo ln -sfn /opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk.jdk

Brew not installed? Here is the full command (Can take a while at the start you also need to press enter):

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" && \
(echo; echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /Users/vm/.zprofile && \
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" && \
brew install java && \
sudo ln -sfn /opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk.jdk

On MacOS, after installing Java via Brew, you should verify the installation by typing java -version in the Terminal. This not only confirms the successful installation but also shows the active Java version. If the Terminal doesn’t recognize the command, it indicates that the installation wasn’t successful or the system path needs updating.


Java officially provides installs for these distro’s: Oracle Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Linux, SLES, SUSE Linux

If you have one of those go to the installer mentioned above. For other distro’s I recommend to open the terminal and just insert the command java to see if it’s installed, it will also provide install details on some.

Execute for MacOS & Linux:

Ensure that the mod-loader-x.x.x.jar and X-Change Life.html files are in the same directory as the game to avoid any path-related issues.

When using MacOS or Linux, running the mod loader can typically be as simple as double-clicking the mod-loader-x.x.x.jar file. However, if this doesn’t work, you might need to use the terminal to open it.

To run the mod loader from the terminal, first make sure you’re in the directory where the mod-loader-x.x.x.jar file and your X-Change Life.html file are located. You can navigate to this directory using the cd command in the terminal.

Once you’re in the correct folder, execute the mod loader by typing java -jar mod-loader-x.x.x.jar in the terminal, replacing x.x.x with the version number of your mod loader.

This method is a handy alternative if clicking the .jar file doesn’t start the mod loader.

To change directories in the terminal, use the cd (change directory) command followed by the path to the directory where your files are located. For example, if your files are in a folder named ‘XCL’ on your desktop, you would type cd Desktop/XCL. Remember, in Unix-based systems like MacOS and Linux, paths are case-sensitive, so be sure to enter the folder names exactly as they appear.

Alternatively, you can drag and drop the folder into the terminal window. Open the terminal, type cd (with a space after cd), and then drag the folder from your file explorer into the terminal window. This action will automatically fill in the correct path. Press Enter, and you’ll be in the desired directory.

Open the terminal and navigate to the folder using the cd command (Use TAB for quick select folders and files). Once in the right folder execute the following command java -jar mod-loader-x.x.x.jar, replace x.x.x with your current version (Again TAB can also be used).