General Magic

General Magic, the revived tech icon of the ’90s, has reemerged as a vanguard in cutting-edge technology tailored to Summer City’s unique digital landscape. Specializing in the production of smartphones and software solutions that hark back to the design ethos of the ’80s and ’90s, General Magic seamlessly blends nostalgia with state-of-the-art functionality.

Core Products

General Magic’s flagship smartphones are the “Magic Talk” series, known for their bulky yet charming design, reminiscent of early mobile devices. The phones operate on “TeleScriptOS,” an evolved and robust operating system that enables intricate communication capabilities exclusive to Summer City’s networks.


TeleScriptOS is engineered for seamless integration into Summer City’s network architecture, enabling advanced communication protocols between devices, city infrastructure, and AI systems.

Magic Cap AI Interface

General Magic has overhauled the “Magic Cap” platform, transforming it into a sophisticated AI-powered user interface that facilitates a personalized and intuitive user experience, ensuring that each Magic Talk device becomes an extension of its owner.

Coding Languages and Development

In addition to TeleScriptOS, General Magic has developed a suite of proprietary programming languages, including:

  • EnvoyScript: A high-level scripting language designed for rapid app development on Magic Talk devices, promoting an environment where creativity meets efficiency.
  • CapTalk: Borrowing from its legacy, CapTalk is used to program adaptive AI routines within both smartphones and the urban digital ecosystem of Summer City.
Magic Talk Smartphone

Current Flagship Product: General Magic “Magic Talk” – Model GT-2030

Exterior and Construction:

  • Chassis Material: HyperDuracast Polymer, a high-tensile translucent plastic capable of withstanding high impact and resistant to scratches.
  • Color Variants: Transparent Teal, See-Through Scarlet, and Clear Cobalt.

Display Technology:

  • Screen: CrystalTron Tube Display, a 5.1-inch vacuum fluorescent display that uses cathode ray tube technology enhanced for portability and energy efficiency. It features a vibrant color palette and deep blacks due to its phosphor screen, delivering a unique visual experience with characteristic illumination and depth.
  • Resolution: 960×540 – Each pixel is a tri-color phosphor dot, providing sharpness and an analog warmth to the imagery.
  • Refresh Rate: 60Hz with TrueScan line technology, producing smooth motion and authentic visual textures that harken back to the golden era of broadcast monitors.


  • Processor: Octa-Core GM Quantum Processor – engineered for high efficiency and low power consumption with dedicated AI capabilities.
  • Memory: 1TB UFS 4.0 storage

Imaging and Optics:

  • Camera: Single-lens ReflexPhoton camera with a 12MP sensor, featuring an optical depth filter for true-to-life image capture and classic soft-focus backgrounds.
  • Video Recording: 1080p at 30fps with a dedicated phosphor processing engine, offering a cinematic feel to videos.

Battery and Power:

  • Battery: 4500mAh PolyCharge Cell, designed for extended usage and consistent performance throughout the day.
  • Charging: GM TurboCharge technology supporting 65W wired and 40W wireless charging.

Citywide Connectivity:

  • Magic Network Integration: Integrates with Summer City’s Magic Network, a citywide mesh network that provides users with high-speed, secure connectivity – note this is not compatible with networks outside the city.
  • Wireless: QuantumWave Technology, with dedicated channels for interfacing with the city’s ubiquitous sensors, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity.

Audio Experience:

  • Speakers: Dual SonicWave chambers, utilizing analog acoustics for a warm and enveloping audio experience
  • Microphone: VoiceEcho array with city noise adaptation


  • OS: TeleScriptOS 2.0
  • TeleScript Engine: The TeleScript Engine, allows for the execution of low and high-level TeleScript code, enabling developers to create powerful applications that can take advantage of the unique capabilities of the Magic Network and Aphrodite’s AI.
  • Magic Cap Interface: The Magic Cap interface delivers a user-friendly, gesture-based navigation system that keeps the user experience intuitive and engaging.
  • DNA-Link Services: Utilizing Summer City’s DNA registration database, TeleScriptOS 2.0 allows for the recognition of both male and female versions of users, ensuring seamless access to personal data and services regardless of any physical transformation undertaken through X-Change pills.

Business Operations and Market Impact

General Magic operates with extraordinary specificity, coding languages that interface elegantly with the complex digital fabric of Summer City. Examples include:

  • AuraMesh: A language developed to program the pervasive smart environments in commercial and residential buildings throughout the city.
  • PDA Legacy Apps: Applications that emulate the functionalities of historic PDAs, providing digital organization tools with a retro-modern twist.

Company Vision

General Magic’s ethos is built upon reimagining great ideas that were ahead of their time, bringing them to fruition in a world now ready for their implementation. Their unique approach has positioned the company as an integral aspect of Summer City’s daily life, merging the charm of past technology with the requirements of a futuristic urban society.

Phone Designs and Features

The Magic Talk phones, while echoing the bulky styles of the ’80s and ’90s, are equipped with revolutionary features such as:

  • CrystalConnect: A digital interface that allows the phone to communicate directly with Summer City’s various infrastructure systems.
  • MagicNet Connectivity: Proprietary network capabilities that provide users with unprecedented access to the city’s exclusive digital services.

Through a blend of retro aesthetics and avant-garde technology, General Magic pays homage to its past while propelling Summer City into a new era of connected living. Their commitment to innovation, paired with a distinctive vision for the utility of technology, continues to shape the technological narrative of one of the world’s most advanced locales.

TeleScriptOS: The Heart of Magic Talk

TeleScriptOS is a robust, agent-oriented programming framework that enables Magic Talk phones to seamlessly interact within Summer City’s digital ecosystem. It provides a powerful platform for applications that need to communicate with city infrastructure and even interface with Aphrodite’s AI, ensuring that users can experience a personalized and dynamic environment.

Features and Functionalities

TeleScriptOS offers several key features that make it indispensable in the Summer City tech scene:

  • Agent-Based Communication: Applications on TeleScriptOS can deploy ‘agents’ that autonomously execute tasks across devices and servers, offering a level of interconnectivity that’s intrinsic to the city’s smart infrastructure.
  • Advanced Scripting Capabilities: The operating system boasts a scripting language akin to High Telescript, allowing developers to craft sophisticated programs with a syntax that is both powerful and easy to understand.
  • Cloud Integration: TeleScriptOS is natively designed to interact with cloud-based services, including those offered by Aphrodite’s AI, facilitating real-time data exchange and processing.

Example Code and API Integration

To illustrate TeleScriptOS’s capabilities, consider the following code snippet demonstrating an API call to a service managed by Aphrodite’s systems:

// Example of a TeleScriptOS API call to retrieve city event data
TeleService: interface(AphroditeCloud) = (
        getCityEvents: op(date: Date) Collection;

CityEventAgent: class(Agent) = (
        retrieveEvents: sponsored op() = {
            eventCollection = [email protected](today());
            foreach (event in eventCollection) {

In this instance, CityEventAgent is an agent that queries Aphrodite’s cloud for events happening in the city on the current date. The getCityEvents operation within the TeleService interface communicates with a dedicated service on Aphrodite’s platform, serializing the request and managing the network handshake.

Magic Talk Phones and Summer City

The Magic Talk phones, reminiscent of the ’90s in design, are marketed towards those in Summer City who appreciate the nostalgia of the era but demand the capabilities of contemporary tech. These handsets support a variety of applications, from city guide assistants to personal AI concierges, all running on TeleScriptOS.

TeleScriptOS Coding Glossary and Reference Guide


Agent: A program or process that acts autonomously on behalf of a user or another program within the TeleScriptOS environment. Agents can navigate, interact with services, and make decisions.

Attribute: A variable or property of an object within TeleScriptOS that stores data relevant to the object.

Constraint: A keyword or flag that specifies the rules and conditions under which data is passed to functions or returned from them.

Engine: The virtual machine interpreter where Low Telescript is executed.

Flavor: TeleScriptOS’s term for a subclass or derived class, which inherits properties and methods from a parent class.

High TeleScript: The higher-level, C-like syntax used for writing TeleScript code, which is compiled into Low TeleScript for execution.

Interface: A defined set of methods that a class must implement, similar to an interface or protocol in other programming languages.

Live: The standard method that is called upon the creation of an agent, initiating its active lifecycle.

Low TeleScript: The bytecode representation of High TeleScript, which is executed by the TeleScript engine.

Magic Cloud: The collective network of interconnected services and resources within Summer City that agents can access and utilize.

MagicNet: A proprietary network within Summer City that provides access to exclusive services and integrates with TeleScriptOS.

Method (op): A function or procedure within an object that can perform actions, referred to as an ‘op’ in TeleScriptOS.

Module: A collection of related classes, interfaces, and other code elements packaged together.

Place: A virtual location or service where agents can go to perform tasks, interact with other agents, or access resources.

Process: The base class for objects that have an independent thread of execution, such as agents and places.

Request: The act of calling a method within TeleScriptOS.

Telescript Cloud: The conceptual space where agents operate and interact with various services and places.

TeleService: A specific implementation of a service interface designed to communicate with Aphrodite’s systems in Summer City.

Telename: A unique identifier for users within the TeleScriptOS environment, allowing agents to perform actions on a user’s behalf.

Teleaddress: A unique address that identifies devices within the TeleScriptOS network, allowing agents to navigate to and from different places.

Reference Guide

This guide provides developers with a basic framework for coding within the TeleScriptOS environment, with a focus on Summer City-specific connectors and APIs.

Creating an Agent

To create an agent, define a class that extends the Agent base class and implement the live method:

MyAgent: class(Agent) = (
        live: sponsored op() = {
            // Your code here

Defining an Interface

Interfaces in TeleScriptOS declare methods that must be implemented by any class that uses the interface:

MyService: interface(Object) = (
        performAction: op(argument: DataType);

Interacting with Places

Agents can interact with places to perform tasks or access resources. Here’s how to define a place and allow agents to interact with it:

MyPlace: class(Place) = (
        provideService: op(agent: Agent) = {
            // Service logic here

Navigating the Magic Cloud

Agents can use the go operation to navigate to different services in the Magic Cloud:

travelAgent: sponsored op(destination: Teleaddress) = {
    // Perform actions at the destination

Accessing MagicNet Services

To access MagicNet services, use TeleService interfaces that correspond to Aphrodite’s cloud systems:

MagicNetConnect: interface(MagicCloud) = (
        getData: op(query: String) DataResult;

dataAgent: class(Agent) = (
        fetchData: sponsored op(query: String) = {
            result = [email protected](query);
            // Process the fetched data

Handling User Identity

For operations that depend on user identity, especially in a city with gender fluidity like Summer City, use identity services to retrieve user profiles:

identityAgent: class(Agent) = (
        getUserProfile: sponsored op(userID: String) UserProfile = {
            profile = [email protected](userID);
            return profile;

Communicating with Users

To communicate with users, agents can send messages through the user notification service:

notifyAgent: class(Agent) = (
        sendMessage: sponsored op(userID: String, message: String) = {
            [email protected](userID, message);

Example 1: Identity Verification with DNA Registration

In Summer City, where individuals might switch genders using X-Change pills, TeleScriptOS can facilitate seamless identity verification by integrating with DNA-based identification services. The following script showcases an agent coordinating with the city’s identity registry to recognize both male and female versions of a user:

IdentityAgent: class(Agent) = (
        verifyIdentity: sponsored op(dnaSample: DNA) UserIdentity = {
            userMaleProfile = [email protected](dnaSample, Male);
            userFemaleProfile = [email protected](dnaSample, Female);
            if (userMaleProfile.isValid && userFemaleProfile.isValid) {
                return UserIdentity(userMaleProfile, userFemaleProfile);
            } else {
                raise IdentityVerificationException("User identity could not be verified.");

Example 2: Dynamic City Event Subscription

Here we see an agent designed to subscribe a user to city events based on preferences, updating their calendar dynamically when their gender identity changes:

EventSubscriptionAgent: class(Agent) = (
        subscribeToEvents: sponsored op(userPreferences: UserPreferences) = {
            currentGender = [email protected](userPreferences.userID);
            tailoredEvents = [email protected](currentGender, userPreferences);
            [email protected](userPreferences.userID, tailoredEvents);