Corporations 6 General Magic DynaPill InstaGirl Pharmaceuticals WANGL Somatic Warp Pharmaceuticals (SWP) X-Change Corporation
Game World Info 6 X-Change Resistance Pills X-Change Purple Pills X-Change Breeder Pills Proposition 12 Tardigrades of the Atocha: A Miracle of Modern Science X-Change Pills
Gameplay 10 Using X-Change Pills on Coworkers The Book of Conquests Makeup System Summer City Blackjack Rules Toy Integration “Lights Out” Minigame Strategies
Mods 9 Using the Compulsion system XCL Memory System Creating a Bar Girl Quick Guide to the Activities System Creating a Playable Character Custom X-Change Life macros you can use in mods
NPCs 6 Using X-Change Pills on Coworkers The Wolf (Lupusvult) Aphrodite Alexia Stepdad How to edit NPC stats
Scenes 3 Outfits that unlock unique gym scenes Featured Actresses and Actors Available Unique Sex Scenes