Summer City Blackjack Rules

Welcome to the ultimate strategy guide for Summer City Blackjack, the unique and thrilling variant of classic blackjack that’s become a staple in Summer City’s nightlife. Whether you’re a newcomer to the felt or a seasoned card shark, this guide will give you the edge you need to maximize your chances of winning. Let’s dive into the strategies that will help you navigate the twists and turns of this one-of-a-kind game.

Understanding the Scoring System

First, let’s recap the unique scoring system of Summer City Blackjack:

  • Blackjack: Scoring 21 typically earns you 5 points.
  • Close Call: If the dealer scores 20 and you hit 21, you gain 3 points.
  • Over the Edge: If the dealer busts and you have 21, you earn 6 points.
  • Busts: If the dealer busts, you win 2 to 4 points, based on your score’s proximity to 21. If you bust, you lose 1 to 4 points, less if you’re closer to 21.
  • Push (Ties): When scores tie, no points are exchanged.
  • Victories and Defeats: Winning with a score closer to 21 gives you 1 to 4 points. If the dealer’s score is higher, you lose 1 to 4 points.
  • Double Down: You can double your bet for one more card, doubling the points won or lost.
  • Five-Card Charlies: Drawing five cards without busting immediately grants you 10 points, or more if your opponent busts.

(Note: when Hardcore mode is turned on, the Dealer gets a +2 point bonus when the hand is in his favor.)

Strategic Considerations

Aim for a Five-Card Charlie

  • High Reward: Remember that a Five-Card Charlie nets you a whopping 10 points! Keep an eye on the number of cards you have, especially if you’re holding low-value cards.
  • Risk Assessment: Going for a Charlie is a bold move but can pay off big. Balance the risk of drawing additional cards with the potential reward, especially if your current hand total is far below 21.

Blackjack Nuances

  • Maximize Gains: Blackjack normally gets you 5 points but be aware of the “Close Call” and “Over the Edge” scenarios where points can vary.
  • Know When to Double Down: If you’re confident in your hand, doubling down on a blackjack can turn the tides in your favor.

Manage the Busts

  • Stay Close to 21: If you’re going to bust, do so as close to 21 as possible to minimize point loss.
  • Dealer Bust Advantage: Use the dealer’s risk of busting to your advantage. If the dealer is showing a potential bust card, consider playing conservatively and let the dealer take the risk.

Managing the 0-20 Point Bar

  • Point Bar Status: Keep a close eye on the point bar. Your strategy should shift based on your proximity to winning or losing.
  • Late Game Caution: If you’re leading and the dealer is close to losing, it may be wise to play it safe to preserve your lead.

Double Down Dynamics

  • Calculated Risks: Double down only when the odds are in your favor.


  • Push Strategy: A tie doesn’t change the score, so if you’re ahead, sometimes it’s better to aim for a push than risk busting and giving the dealer points.

Early and Late Rounds

  • Early Rounds: Take calculated risks to build a lead in the early rounds.
  • Late Rounds: If you’re close to winning, play conservatively to protect your score.

Play to the Dealer’s Behavior

  • Adapt to the Dealer: Pay attention to the dealer’s tendencies. If they’re playing conservatively, you might take more aggressive actions, and vice versa.