Intellect dictates how quick you are to understand situations and provides you opportunities that less intelligent people would not think of.
- Intellect is one of two stats used determine the player’s starting commission rate at the Sales Job, the other being Charm.
- Having low Intellect will cause some options to fail when making choices.
- For example, low Intellect prevents the player from suggesting a location is not isolated enough to be hidden from passerby when attempting a blowjob.
- Having low Intellect can make some men’s pick up lines fail to work on the player as a female.
- Having low Intellect can cause the Rejection minigame to fail even when successful, requiring the player to attempt to reject again.
Increasing Intellect
- Intellect XP is gained based on the value of commissions received when successful in the Sales Job, gaining enough XP will earn the player a permanent Intellect point.
- Intellect is increased by the Pumped Up mood buff by one, gained when successful in the Gym minigame.
- Intellect is temporarily increased by one for the day after getting a coffee from Jitters Cafe.
Decreasing Intellect
- Intellect will be permanently decreased by one if the player is unable to stop from climaxing during the Dumb Bitch Sales Demonstration.
- Intellect (and other stats) can be decreased by one if the player fails to prevent cum from touching their skin during the Stripper scenes.
- Intellect is negatively affected by certain moods debuffs, such as being Angry.