In X-Change Life, Femininity represents not only how much you feel like the woman you transform to when you’re on X-Change – it also represents how much of a slut you are. It also has an inverse relationship with Masculinity. Certain, uh, “actions” as a woman will require a higher femininity stat, and a low masculinity will mean you can’t do certain masculine things, such as pick up girls at the bar.
That being said, high femininity / low masculinity is not “bad” in any sense, just different. The game encourages you to be a slut, because life is more fun that way. Hitting 100 femininity / 0 masculinity is NOT a game over state like it is with Identity. In fact, some say it’s just the beginning. 😉

Femininity will display as a stat when you’re a female, and masculinity when you’re a male. They’re the same stat, just inverted. 80 masculinity = 20 femininity.