X-Change Life uses a customized version of the Twine Harlowe engine. The following custom macros are for modders – these are some macros we have added to Twine Harlowe in order to extend its functionality.
1. average
Function: Calculates the average of a series of numbers.
(set: $avg to (average: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) <!-- $avg will be 3 -->
2. rnd
Function: Rounds a number to a specified precision.
(set: $rounded to (rnd: 3.14159, 2)) <!-- $rounded will be 3.14 -->
3. indexof
Function: Finds the 1-based index of an item in an array. Returns -1 if the item is not found.
(set: $index to (indexof: (a: "apple", "banana", "cherry"), "banana")) <!-- $index will be 2 -->
4. intersection
Function: Calculates the intersection of two arrays, returning their common elements.
(set: $common to (intersection: (a: "apple", "banana"), (a: "banana", "cherry"))) <!-- $common will be (a: "banana") -->
5. savegameto
Function: Saves the game to the specified slot name.
(savegameto: "slot1") <!-- Saves the game to slot "slot1" -->
6. win
Function: Checks if the variable $result
is “pass”.
(set: $result to "pass")
(set: $didWin to (win:)) <!-- $didWin will be true -->
7. is_fem
Function: Checks if the character’s gender is female.
(set: $character to (dm: "gender", "female"))
(set: $isFemale to (is_fem:)) <!-- $isFemale will be true -->
8. is_male
Function: Checks if the character’s gender is male.
(set: $character to (dm: "gender", "male"))
(set: $isMale to (is_male:)) <!-- $isMale will be true -->
9. is_preg
Function: Checks if the character is pregnant.
(set: $character to (dm: "pregnant", "true"))
(set: $isPregnant to (is_preg:)) <!-- $isPregnant will be true -->
10. knows_preg
Function: Checks if the character’s pregnancy is known.
(set: $character to (dm: "pregnancy known", "true"))
(set: $knowsPregnancy to (knows_preg:)) <!-- $knowsPregnancy will be true -->
11. is_bim
Function: Checks if the character has the “bimbo” side effect.
(set: $character to (dm: "side effects", (a: "bimbo")))
(set: $isBimbo to (is_bim:)) <!-- $isBimbo will be true -->
12. is_pp
Function: Checks if the character has the “people pleaser” side effect.
(set: $character to (dm: "side effects", (a: "people pleaser")))
(set: $isPeoplePleaser to (is_pp:)) <!-- $isPeoplePleaser will be true -->
13. pill
Function: Checks if the value of $pill_taken
matches the provided pill name (case-insensitive).
(set: $pill_taken to "Cum-Cure")
(set: $isCumCure to (pill: "cum-cure")) <!-- $isCumCure will be true -->
14. clamp
Function: Clamps a number within a specified range.
(set: $clampedValue to (clamp: 15, 10, 20)) <!-- $clampedValue will be 15 -->
(set: $clampedValue to (clamp: 25, 10, 20)) <!-- $clampedValue will be 20 -->
15. currency
Function: Formats a number as currency (USD) without cents.
(set: $formattedCurrency to (currency: 1234)) <!-- $formattedCurrency will be "$1,234" -->
16. del
Function: Deletes the specified variables.
(del: "$variable1", "$variable2") <!-- Deletes $variable1 and $variable2 -->
17. outfitdb
Function: Retrieves a list of outfits for a specified character, optionally filtered by outfit IDs.
(set: $outfits to (outfitdb: "characterName")) <!-- Retrieves all outfits for "characterName" -->
(set: $filteredOutfits to (outfitdb: "characterName", (a: "outfit1", "outfit2"))) <!-- Retrieves specific outfits for "characterName" -->
18. getoutfit
Function: Retrieves details of a specific outfit by its ID.
(set: $outfitDetails to (getoutfit: "characterName category outfitName")) <!-- Retrieves details of the specified outfit -->
19. checkdm
Function: Checks if a datamap contains a specified value based on an operation.
(set: $dm to (dm: "key1", "value1", "key2", (a: "value2", "value3")))
(set: $result1 to (checkdm: $dm, "key1", "is", "value1")) <!-- $result1 will be true -->
(set: $result2 to (checkdm: $dm, "key2", "contains", "value2")) <!-- $result2 will be true -->
20. newseed
Function: Generates a new seed based on the current time.
(set: $seed to (newseed:)) <!-- Generates a seed string based on the current time -->
21. clearstandardvars
Function: Clears standard variables.
(clearstandardvars:) <!-- Clears standard variables -->
22. twist
Function: Generates a random integer between a specified minimum and maximum value (inclusive) using the Mersenne Twister algorithm.
(set: $randomNumber to (twist: 1, 10)) <!-- Generates a random number between 1 and 10 using Mersenne Twister algorithm -->
Note: This macro uses the Mersenne Twister algorithm, which provides a higher degree of randomness compared to Harlowe’s native randomness functions.
23. twirl
Function: Picks a random value from a list of arguments using the Mersenne Twister algorithm.
(set: $randomValue to (twirl: "apple", "banana", "cherry")) <!-- Picks a random fruit from the list using Mersenne Twister algorithm -->
Note: This macro uses the Mersenne Twister algorithm, which provides a higher degree of randomness compared to Harlowe’s native randomness functions.
24. twisted
Function: Shuffles an array using the Fisher-Yates algorithm with the Mersenne Twister algorithm for randomness.
(set: $shuffledArray to (twisted: (a: "apple", "banana", "cherry"))) <!-- Shuffles the array using Fisher-Yates algorithm with Mersenne Twister algorithm -->
Note: This macro uses the Mersenne Twister algorithm, which provides a higher degree of randomness compared to Harlowe’s native randomness functions.
25. remove
Function: Removes a specified number of occurrences of an item from an array.
(set: $originalArray to (a: "apple", "banana", "cherry", "apple"))
(set: $modifiedArray to (remove: $originalArray, "apple", 1)) <!-- Removes one occurrence of "apple" -->