Charm dictates how well you can convince people to do what you say, how interesting you are when chatting and how well your jokes or pick up lines land.
- Increases the chances when rolling for success in Pick Up Line, Rejection, Sales Job, and Sales Demonstration minigames.
- Charm only factors into calculations when rolling for success and opting out of the minigame.
- Charm is one of two stats used determine the player’s starting commission rate at the Sales Job, the other being Intellect.
- Having low Charm can make some men’s pick up lines be more effective than normal as a female, increasing Arousal more quickly.
Increasing Charm
- Charm XP is gained when playing the Pick Up Line or Rejection minigames regardless of success, gaining enough XP will earn the player a permanent Charm point.
- Charm is temporarily increased by one for the day after taking a shower.
- Charm is increased by the Pumped Up mood buff by one, gained when successful in the Gym minigame.
- As a female, Charm can be increased by one by changing your hairstyle at the salon or by your hairstyle changing from the being at the beach.
- As a female, Charm can be increased at the office while wearing certain outfits.
Decreasing Charm
- Charm (and other stats) can be decreased by one if the player fails to prevent cum from touching their skin during the Stripper scenes.
- Charm is negatively affected by certain moods debuffs, such as being Angry.