Available Unique Sex Scenes

This list of sex scenes should be considered SPOILERS for the game. If you’d like to discover these naturally, please leave this page. See Actresses featured in game details about the actresses featured.

Many of these scenes are hinted at from the Tips Jar at Jitters in the Mall.

Scenes labeled as (Non-Con) require the Non-con setting to be enabled in the Settings Menu in order to trigger.

Home Scenes

  • Alexia Blowjob in the Shower
    • The player can sometimes catch Alexia in the shower when they choose to shower as a morning option or when cleaning your bathroom.
    • When doing chores, you’ll hear the shower running upstairs if Alexia is in the bathroom.
    • The player can catch Alexia when either a male or female.
    • If the player runs into Alexia enough times in the shower while male, you can convince her to give you a blowjob.
    • Currently not repeatable.
  • Alexia Masturbating in her Room
    • The player can sometimes see Alexia in her room masturbating while doing chores.
    • Alexia can be heard on the second floor if this is happening. Attempting to go into her room will give the player the option to peek or to give her privacy.
  • Stepdad Forces the Player to be a Maid (Non-Con)
    • If the player ignores Stepdad’s requests, while being male, to do chores over three times, he will drug the player’s drink at the end of the day with a Ready-Maid pill. The player will then be forced to clean the house without earning any allowance.
    • This event can happen up to three times (with the player ignoring Stepdad’s requests over three times again). The third time, Stepdad will also have sex with the player’s Ready-Maid transformed body. The player will gain the Live-In Maid side effect afterwards.
      • NOTE: Gaining the Live-In Main side effect in this manner CANNOT be prevented through the use of a protection serum.
    • If the player has the Live-In Maid side effect, this scene cannot happen as the player loses the ability to ignore requests to do chores.
  • Drinking Stepdad’s cum
    • If you use the New U machine and gain the side effect “Swallow cum daily or this DNA becomes permanent” then go through the entire day without swallowing cum you can go to your stepdad at night and “ask for help”
    • Note that the sluttier you act for him during this the more attraction to you he will gain. He will lose the same amount of respect for you no matter what.
  • Sex with Stepdad (as Secretary)
    • If you work at the office as a Secretary, and obtain phoenix root powder in the post-work Massage scene, you will remind Stepdad of his ex-wife, and you can start progressing a relationship with him each day after work. Through teasing, etc, you can eventually get to 15 attraction, which at that point will enable a repeatable sex scene with Stepdad after work.
  • Masturbating in your Room
    • The player will have the option to masturbate in their room at the end of the day if they are female and have at least 1 Arousal.
    • The player also has the ability to masturbate as a male, and can either buy a computer for porn, or rely on memories of stuff that happened recently to have something to jerk off to.
  • Bringing Dates Home
    • If the players has an NPC’s number, they will have the option to call him up and invite him over. NPCs with high attraction to the player will also sometimes invite themselves over, prompting the player to allow them in.
    • The player has access to sex skills that are unique to each character during this scene, and can improve relationships with NPCs or an NPCs skills with high enough satisfaction.

Club Scenes

  • The Slut-hole
    • As a female character, you may get approached and offered to have “an experience” in the club’s backrooms!
  • Sex with the Singer / Celebrity, Mariselle
    • On Fridays at the club, if you explore the backrooms as a guy, you might come across Mariselle, who likes guys with really big dicks (try to have a Cock length stat of 8 or higher). If you pass “inspection”, you can go back to her house and have sex with her
  • Sex with Alexia (2 different events)
    • If you bring Alexia to the club, and your relationship is high enough, you can bring her back to a motel and have sex with her! But watch out, you could really piss her off if you creampie her…
  • Random Encounters
    • The player is able to have sex with or give blowjobs to random NPCs if lounging around the club as a female and with enough Arousal.
    • If the NPC has high enough satisfaction after sex there is a chance he will want to give you his number so that he can be invited into your home in the future.

Gym Scenes

  • Random Encounters
    • The player is able to have sex with or give blowjobs to random NPCs if lounging around the gym as a female and with enough Arousal.
    • If the NPC has high enough satisfaction after sex there is a chance he will want to give you his number so that he can be invited into your home in the future.
  • Outfit Exclusive Scenes – see THIS guide for a more in-depth coverage on the right outfits to get and conditions for triggering these scenes – includes pictures of what outfits to buy
    • Certain characters can purchase gym outfits that will lead to unique sex scenes.
    • The first time you purchase and wear these outfits, these events will trigger. Afterwards, these scenes can be repeated once each week on a particular day.
    • Characters with scenes and their corresponding outfit:
      • Lana: Practical Gym Outfit (Repeatable on Fridays)
      • Jade: Athletic Swimsuit (Repeatable on Tuesdays)
      • Rae: Blue Gym Outfit (Repeatable on Mondays)
      • Mia: Pink Running Outfit (Repeatable on Saturdays), in order to get creampied in this scene you need to be on a breeder and have 3 ruined orgasms and beg to be creampied
      • Cassidy: Yoga Outfit (Repeatable on Thursdays) , in order to get creampied in this scene you need to be on a breeder pill and have 3 ruined orgasms and beg to be creampied
      • Jia: Blue Yoga Outfit (Repeatable on Wednesdays, requires meeting Callie on the beach to unlock)
      • Liya: Sauna Outfit (Repeatable on Thursdays, requires paying for a gym premium membership to unlock)

Office Scenes

  • Interviewer Blowjob
    • If the player has at least 10 Femininity and applies for a job as a female, they will be given the opportunity to flirt with their interviewer to attempt to gain either a higher commission rate or daily pay.
    • The interviewer will request a blowjob. If the interviewer is satisfied, he will add to the player’s job offer as requested.
  • Sex with coworkers for leads
    • As a female, you will often be hit on by coworkers and offered sex in exchange for sales leads – but watch out, your sexual reputation at the office can increase!
  • Sex as a secretary (with coworkers)
    • When you are doing secretary work at the office, you will often be groped by coworkers and hit on while you’re working. This can often lead to sex – watch out, because if you have too many orgasms in the Secretary body, you can trigger side effects.
  • Sex WITH a secretary
    • Achieve a DESK LEVEL of 4, and flirt / tease with Hailey the secretary enough, and you’ll be able to ask for “Stress relief”. Note that TEASING her successfully will reduce her friendship with you a bit but will turn her on and she’ll only require an attraction level of 5 to initiate, otherwise it’s 5 friendship and 10 attraction required.
  • Sex with Bruce in front of coworkers
    • Do something to piss Bruce off, and get to a SALES LEVEL of at least 3, and you’ll initiate a sequence of events that will eventually lead to a big sex scene in front of colleagues, that can really impact their opinion of you!

Sales Demo Scenes

  • Selling certain pills to businesses will sometimes give the player the option to suggest a Sales Demo to demonstrate how the product works. Businesses will also sometimes require a Sales Demo before they will be willing to purchase a shipment.
  • Successfully completing a Sales Demo will double the normal commission the player currently earns.
  • The player can potentially have sex with the business owner in their transformed body if the sale chance is not 100% by the end of the initial pitch. The chance of this happening also increases if the business has a lower moral standing.
  • Pills available for a Sales Demo:
    • Dumb Bitch: This demo can potentially reduce the player’s Intelligence stat if they cannot prevent an orgasm.
    • Hot and Ready – unlocked after making 5 sales at the sales job: This demo can potentially reduce the player’s Charm stat
      • Failing the lemonade selling demo can cause an extended scene to recover from the Hot and Ready pill.
    • Insta-strip
    • GoodGirl Basic
    • GoodGirl Max
    • GoodGirl Petite
    • Ready-Maid
    • SECRET-ary
    • Dairy Queen – available for unlock after making 5 sales at the sales job.
      • Getting engorged during the Dairy Queen demo will lead to another sequence.

Beach Scenes

  • Random Encounters
    • The player is able to have sex with or give blowjobs to random NPCs if lounging around the beach as a female and with enough Arousal.
    • If the NPC has high enough satisfaction after sex there is a chance he will want to give you his number so that he can be invited into your home in the future.
    • Losing volleyball against male players can lead to sex as a prize for them
  • Blowjob at Waterfall
    • When exploring the jungle, the player can come across a waterfall with a shack next to it. In this location, if the player is male there is a chance there will be two women looking to take pictures at the fountain and the player has the opportunity to get a blowjob from them with the right dialogue choices.
    • Currently not repeatable.
  • Masturbation in the Jungle
    • When exploring the jungle as a female, the player will have the opportunity to masturbate at certain locations if they have at least 1 Arousal.
    • Locations:
      • Waterfall with shack
      • Palm tree beach clearing
      • Beach near lighthouse
  • Callie F/F Beach Sex Scene
    • When exploring the jungle, the player can come across a palm tree beach clearing. If the player is female while playing as Jia and wearing the Mysterious Bikini (obtained during the game’s intro), they will have the option to Look for Callie. This will start a story scene with Callie that will eventually lead to a sex scene.
  • Callie/Olias FFM Threesome
    • Continuing after the Callie Beach Scene will allow you to enter a threesome with Callie and Olias. Completing these scenes will unlock Jia’s gym scene.
  • Quoqac Beach Interracial Sex Scene
    • After playing the above two sets of scenes, you can return to the same spot in the jungle and meet Quoqac (pronounced Quo-Quake) – he’ll invite you out spear-fishing. Play through this sequence, and he’ll give you a red dress as a gift at the end.
    • Then, still as Jia, return to the beach on a later day, wearing the red beach dress. Go to the same spot in the jungle, and the sex scene will begin. It can be replayed multiple times.

Mall Scenes

  • Random Encounters
    • The player is able to have sex with or give blowjobs to random NPCs if approached by a man while going around the mall and with enough Arousal.
    • If the NPC has high enough satisfaction after sex there is a chance he will want to give you his number so that he can be invited into your home in the future.
  • X-Change Pharmacist Blowjob
    • If the player attempts to purchase one X-Change Basic pill with more than $49 but less than $100, the X-Change Pharmacist will give the player the option to “work something out”. In exchange for a blowjob, the pharmacist will give the player the X-Change Basic pill at a 50% discount. The pharmacist keeps the trading card that comes with the pill.
    • This scene and the discount are repeatable.
    • If the player has done this for the first time, the pharmacist will give the player the option of sex in exchange for the trading card that came with the pill. This scene is not repeatable.
  • Alexia Mall Cop Blowjob
    • When going to the mall, sometimes Alexia will ask to come along with the player.
    • When she comes along Alexia will sometime state that she is low on cash. If this happens, while traveling between different shops in the mall or if lounging there is a chance that Alexia will call you for help as she has been taken in for shoplifting.
    • The player has a few different options at this point:
      • The player can offer bail of $250 (or $500 if they have angered the mall cop).
      • If the player refuses to offer bail for Alexia or does not have the money required, the mall cop will force Alexia to give him a blowjob.
      • If the player is male after refusing to offer bail, they have the opportunity to take one of their own X-Change pills from their inventory and give the blowjob in Alexia’s place.
      • If the player is female when the bail is offered, the player can choose to give a blowjob and have sex with the mall cop.
    • After these options the player and Alexia will leave the mall, continuing with the day.
  • Alexia Car Handjob
    • When going to the mall, sometimes Alexia will ask to come along with the player.
    • When she comes along Alexia will sometimes state that she wants a coffee from Jitters. If this happens and the player visits Jitters, they will have the opportunity to purchase a drink for Alexia for $5.
    • On the way from the mall Alexia will thank the player.
    • If the player purchases a drink for Alexia a few times as a male, Alexia will ask the player to pull over.
    • Alexia will also offer a handjob after pulling over as a thank you when done enough times.
  • Other random encounters
    • As a male character, you can encounter girls in the mall, and you can trigger 1 of 2 different sex scenes, which are not repeatable:
      • Sex with a girl on a purple pill (she gets you to take X-Change, and she has a dick!)
      • Sex with a girl with a big ass! Sneak with her into the mattress store

Bar Scenes

  • Random Encounters
    • The player is able to have sex with or give blowjobs to random NPCs if waiting around at the bar as a female and with enough Arousal. The player also has the option to lock eyes with a man while at the bar, starting an encounter right away.
    • If the NPC has high enough satisfaction after sex there is a chance he will want to give you his number so that he can be invited into your home in the future.
  • Picking Up Girls at the Bar
    • As a male, the player has the opportunity to convince women at the bar to go home with the player and have sex.
    • In order for the women to be convinced to sleep with the player, they need to successfully chat up, use pick up lines and purchase liked drinks.
    • Certain women have preferences, making it more difficult to take them home for sex.
      • Kendra: Prefers with Black guys.
      • Harley: Prefers guys who are not Black.
      • Gabbie: If the player has the ability to earn serums, they will not be able to have sex with Gabbie.
  • Working as a Stripper
    • As a male, the player has the opportunity to play Blackjack with Dredd at the bar.
    • If the player loses a Blackjack game but does not have the required funds to pay Dredd, they will be forced to take an Insta-Strip pill and work as a stripper for Dredd’s boys.
    • If the player does not have enough Femininity, they will have to perfectly complete a minigame in order to take the pill.
    • The player has to control themselves enough to prevent Dredd’s boys from cumming on their skin. If this happens the player will lose Identity or one of their three main stats.
    • This can be repeated without having to lose to Dredd at Blackjack provided the player has either not lost stats from working as a stripper or has a protecting serum applied.
  • Earning Serums Foursome
    • If the player is unable to prevent themselves from losing stats or Identity while working as a stripper, Dredd will ask that the player come with him and get a serum from his friend after taking an Insta-Strip pill before stripping again.
    • The player will be joined by Gabbie from the bar and will first enjoy a scene with her after a massage.
    • The player will be given an opportunity to earn some income and serums from Dredd’s friend by successfully making basketball shots. Afterwards the player will have a foursome with Dredd, his friend and Gabbie.
    • After this scene, the player will no longer be able to take Gabbie home as a male.