Using X-Change Pills on Coworkers

How To Use X-Change on a Coworker

When working at DynaPill, the opportunity to “Prank a Coworker” will appear from time-to-time. This option will only appear if there are coworkers eligible to take X-Change, meaning you need at least one *male* and *un-transformed* coworker floating around somewhere. If all your coworkers are currently transformed, or you have not met any coworkers yet for example, the “Prank a Coworker” button *will not appear.* You also need at least one X-Change Pink in your inventory to prank a coworker. Note that some coworkers are female by default — around one in every eight, unless you’ve changed that setting in the cheat menu. there is currently no way to spike those coworkers at all, though they will appear as male occasionally, either of their own volition or whenever you’re working as a secretary.

If there is at least one coworker available to take an X-Change Pink, then you should see the option to “Prank a Coworker” at least once a day in the Break Room, guaranteed. Upon selecting this option, you’ll be given the chance to choose which type of X-Change Pink you’d like to use from your inventory. You need to buy a pill to use it on somebody, so make sure to buy any pills you’d like to use in advance!

There is a small chance for additional pill-spiking opportunities to appear randomly. Otherwise, you’ll be limited to a single opportunity to spike a coworker per day.

Upon selecting the pill you’d like to use, a coworker will be chosen at random from the pool of un-transformed, male coworkers. One of them will be the lucky (or unlucky) recipient of your X-Change pill. Good luck finding them later! If you are trying to transform a specific coworker, you may want to use the Book of Conquests to track them down.
Learn more about the Book of Conquests here:

Targeting a Specific Coworker

If there is a specific coworker who you would like to target with X-Change, rather than hoping they randomly receive one of your pills, you can use the Book of Conquests to target them. Note that your attempts at targeting are not guaranteed to work, and depend on your INT stat compared to your coworker’s INT. Hope you’re smart enough to outwit them!

To target a coworker with the Book of Conquests, you must have previously created an entry for them by meeting them after your purchase. At this point, simply visit their entry in the book and you should be able to select them for spike targeting, at the cost of a single action point. It is not free to target a specific coworker — it takes focus and willpower!

So long as you are targeting a specific coworker, your spike attempts will be directed at them and only them. Un-targeting an NPC is a free action and does not cost any action points, so you can resume randomly distributing X-Change at any time.

Pill Types and Their Coworker Effects

The varying types of X-Change Pink will have different effects on the coworker unlucky enough to take them, in addition to lasting different amounts of time.

Basic: lasts 1 workday, no unique effects.

Bimbo: causes INT drain in a coworker, making them easier to outsmart, grope, and seduce. Coworkers may talk in pink bimbo text. Lasts about 10 workdays.

Breeder: their arousal will not decrease naturally between workdays, making them easier to seduce. Sex scenes work differently, and NPC’s may beg for a creampie. (Note: as of XCL 0.20.7, Office Girl sex scenes and pregnancy are not yet fully implemented. Stay tuned!) Lasts about 14 workdays.

Compliant: they are easier to charm, improving your chances at seduction and bargaining. This is likely the easiest route to seducing coworkers you’re not familiar with. Lasts about 10 workdays.

Cum-Cure: coworkers will be more likely to offer blowjobs if you ask for a sexual encounter, but less likely to ask for sex. Any blowjob encounter reduces their remaining time on their pill. Lasts about 30 workdays without intervention.

Show-Off: coworkers are guaranteed to wear their “slutty” outfit variant, and may visibly engage in sexual acts around the workplace for you to catch. (Note: NPC sexual encounters are not implemented yet as of XCL 0.20.7. Stay tuned!) Lasts about 14 workdays.

Resistance: coworkers are less likely to engage in any sexual activity, for fear of the pill’s orgasm-caused negative effects. This is the cheapest option, for a reason. Orgasms will extend a coworker’s remaining time on X-Change by a limited amount, if you’re able to seduce them. Lasts about 10 workdays without intervention.

X-Tra Strength: lasts about 31 workdays, no unique effects.

X-Change Plus is not currently available in-game, but even if you are able to obtain, it’s unable to be used on a coworker. C’mon, that would be unnecessarily cruel.

Based on prices of pills at the X-Change Pharmacy, the most cost effective way to keep your coworkers feminized is to buy and distribute X-Tra Strength pills. However, it may be beneficial to utilize the different effects of other pills. Try mixing and matching your X-Change usage to see what happens!